
Workforce Wellbeing: Reinvigorating Your Team

for CEO’s, HR Managers, Business Leaders




Pre-Conference Seminar

UCLA Luskin Conference Center

Los Angeles, CA

April 27, 2023

10:00 am – 3:30 pm (Lunch Included)


We’re proud to provide the community an opportunity to attend a content-rich day for c-suite and top-level management professionals.

Join us for a day to unwind, learn, connect, and share best practices for developing and sustaining an emotionally healthy, resilient workforce.  This event will include a keynote with Dr. Marc Brackett on cultivating the skills of emotional intelligence in workplace culture; a look at the costs of burnout presented by Montare Behavioral Health Founder, Rabbi JD Kalmenson; a panel discussion by behavioral healthcare industry leaders; and a lunchtime round table discussion about the recruitment and retention of quality employees. Laughter, music, and entertainment add to this reinvigorating day.

Come for this day long workshop then stay for the main conference Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health (2/27-29th). The 2nd year conference will provide a platform for mental health leaders and clinicians to discuss and exchange evidence-based best practices on the most relevant mental health topics impacting our society today.

You are welcome to stay for the Reception and Comedy that follows.

Event Detail and Schedule


If this event sounds like something you or your executives need to attend, please request an invite here.

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Pre Conference Invitational Seminar for C-Suite Executives, Owners, and Clinical Directors on Burnout and Employee Retention. Guests are invited to join us for the Opening Reception with Comedian Aleksie Archer.

Come and learn, have some laughs with our comedic and musical entertainment, network with like-minded peers, and take actionable knowledge back to your organization. Our goal is for you to leave the event with:

• High impact tools for emotional wellness that are easy to implement

• Understanding the skills of emotional intelligence and how to integrate them into your company culture

• A plan to create a culture of open communication, caring, and shared values in your organization

Our keynote speaker is Marc Brackett, Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, and author of the bestselling book: “Permission to Feel,” who works with companies like Facebook, Google and Apple on workplace wellness.

A lunchtime round-table discussion, led by mental health professionals and community leaders, will offer the opportunity for attendees to network and share insights.

Presenting Highlights for the C-Suite Seminar

JD Kalmenson

Rabbi, CEO Montare Behavioral Health

JD Kalmenson
JD Kalmenson is the Founder and CEO of multiple behavioral healthcare companies in Southern California and Arizona.

Among these is Renewal Health Group, a family of comprehensive addiction treatment centers, Montare Behavioral Health, a dynamic brand of mental health treatment centers, Zenith Behavioral Health, a collection of high-quality psychiatric hospitals and adolescent treatment facilities, and Trellis Recovery Centers for Eating Disorders

 Marc Brackett, PhD

Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

Aleskei Archer
Marc Brackett, Ph.D., is the Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a Professor in the Child Study Center of Yale University. He is the lead developer of RULER, an evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning that has been adopted by nearly 2,000 pre-K through high schools across the United States and in other countries. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL).

The Brothers Koren

Find your Voice & Soul of Your Company

The Kin
The brothers began their work in 2015, when they created The Songwriter’s Journey, an immersive experience moving someone from inception to sharing themselves in song.

After our first journey, we were hooked. As of today, we now work with thousands of voices from ALL walks of life through multiple programs and journeys


Dr Timothy Fong, MD

16 million Americans suffer from depression. Approximately 40% of depression patients are resistant to current first-line SSRI medications. Patients are ready to embrace new Evidenced-Based Treatment Protocols that can offer relief. There are also complimentary therapies to these evidenced-based treatments that are giving long term sufferers, Hope. On Saturday we will speak about these new treatment modalities: , Ketamine Assisted Therapy, MDMA, and More.  On Saturday afternoon, sample some of these supportive complimentary treatments.

Manhood Exposed

Keynote Panel with Marlon Rollins, PhD

The Doctors Panel

While men are less likely than women to seek treatment, does that mean they don’t need help? Our experts think Not.  Men are far more likely to commit suicide than women. These Doctors and Therapists will explore the warning signs and offer suggestions on how to entice men into receiving much-needed help.

Masculine Symptoms can include Anger, Stress, Overwork, Addiction, and Feeling Hopeless and Suicidal. This will be an engaging talk for all.

Workforce Wellbeing: Reinvigorating Your Team: Pre-Conference Seminar

Pre-Conference Symposium for Industry Executives, Owners, and Community Leaders

Emerging Themes in BH
For c-level and top management professionals a day to unwind, learn, connect and be experience new technology for treating your stress and anxiety.  This portion of the event will include; a Keynote on Burnout by Montare Founder, Rabbi JD Kalmenson,  A Panel discussion by behavioral healthcare industry leaders, and a lunch time round table discussion about recruitment and maintaining quality employees. Surprises and entertaining guests.
Behavioral Health Conference


Relevant Articles

Navigating a Complex Digital Frontier: Telehealth Services, the Internet, & More

Navigating a Complex Digital Frontier: Telehealth Services, the Internet, & More

In addition to the broader considerations surrounding telehealth, providing psychedelic treatments like ketamine therapy through digital platforms introduces a whole other level of complexity. Psychedelic-assisted therapies entail unique therapeutic processes that rely heavily on the therapeutic alliance, trust, and safety protocols. Unlike conventional therapies, these treatments often involve altered states of consciousness and may require immediate intervention in case of adverse reactions. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapies via telehealth necessitates careful consideration of dosage administration, patient monitoring, and integration support, all within the constraints of a remote setting.




The Guest House



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