by Renee Baribeau | Dec 1, 2022 | Evidence Based, Presenter Articles
Norman Kim, PhD will be presenting a t Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health. See the complete schedule here Dr. Norman Kim, the co-founder of the Institute for Antiracism and Equity, as well as the Diversity chair of the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry,...
by Renee Baribeau | Oct 27, 2022 | Evidence Based, Suicide Prevention
Even though suicidal thoughts often accompany substance use, it’s very rare to see people talk about these two issues together. Many rehab clinics will even turn away people seeking treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs) if they self-report suicidal thoughts...
by Renee Baribeau | Jul 14, 2022 | New Research
In a recent Discover U podcast, CEO of Montare Behavioral Health JD Kalmenson interviews Kate Neligan about using horses as a tool in behavioral health counseling. Equine-assisted therapy and coaching (also known as equestrian therapy, hippotherapy, or simply...
by Renee Baribeau | Jun 16, 2022 | Evidence Based
Understanding Dialectical Behavioral Therapy In a recent DiscoverU Podcast, Montare’s founder JD Kalmenson interviews Karen Clark, MFT to learn about the relatively new therapy called dialectical behavioral therapy. DBT has been shown to be effective with previously...
by Renee Baribeau | May 29, 2022 | CE, Evidence Based
Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health: Integrating Spirituality into Your Treatment Plan Dr Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, MD, FAED, CEDS; Sheenie Ambardar, M.D; JD Kalmenson; Lauren Costine, PhD Description:Effective treatment addresses the body, mind, and spirit. Studies...