In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the landscape of healthcare delivery has undergone a seismic shift, with telehealth services emerging as a powerful tool in patient care. This digital adaptation, while offering unprecedented accessibility and convenience, has...
Traditionally recognized as an anesthetic and a party drug, ketamine has experienced a remarkable shift in its role within the realm of behavioral health. Recent research over the past five years has unveiled its potential as a rapid and effective intervention for...
In the intricate tapestry of mental health, the profound impacts of systemic racism weave a complex narrative, influencing both those navigating mental health conditions and those dedicated to guiding them through their struggles. This pervasive issue extends beyond...
Every outstanding conference takes root in an idea, a spark that ignited in the minds of Montare Behavioral Health’s founders, JD Kalmenson and Elliott Liebhard. Their vision was about more than just orchestrating an event; it was about fostering a movement...
Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health: Integrating Spirituality into Your Treatment Plan Dr Wendy Oliver-Pyatt, MD, FAED, CEDS; Sheenie Ambardar, M.D; JD Kalmenson; Lauren Costine, PhD Description: Effective treatment addresses the body, mind, and spirit. Studies...
Norman Kim, PhD will be presenting a t Emerging Themes in Behavioral Health. See the complete schedule here Dr. Norman Kim, the co-founder of the Institute for Antiracism and Equity, as well as the Diversity chair of the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry,...